Objective Ramblings

So this is a quick one to myself about what I’d like to do here.

Mainly this is learning journal / note to self stuff, with the premise that having a Hexo based site will keep things simple for me as posts / articles etc are all authored in markdown.

With that said, there a couple of side projects I have in mind for myself:

1) Sveltr - an SSG using Svelte-3 and Rollup (ie Replace buiding this site with Sveltr - eventually)

2) Muzika-Iro - an online REPL for Alda as a simple/modest score authoring tool - I’d be rapt if I could throw up a few bars of a tune I want learn on the accordion


Write something 3 times a week. Can be on anything and can be really short, the real purpose is to keep it rolling on a consistent basis.

As a guide, I’d like spend 1 evening on on Sveltr a week and 1 evening on Muzika-Iro and hopefully the 3rd night is reflection on some praxis.