Cloud IDE test #1 - Codeenvy

This my test using Codenvy

I had a false start as the default template was java and mysql and I mistakenly thought that it would auto detect when it imported the repo.

The second time round however I made sure it used the node.js template. This time I was able to install the npm packages and Hexo globally so I could easily use

hexo new "artible name"

The IDE is a little laggy but thats to be expected. The only downside is the versions on node and npm:

user@5f2cc5da0659:/projects$ node --version
user@5f2cc5da0659:/projects$ npm --version

Also, given that I authorised the app to access my github account I would have expected it to automatically add my github details to any commits I made using the service. I didn’t find out I had add it manually until I tried to commit.

AND that also means you don’t realise you have SSH keys set until you try to push but messages and prompts were helpful.